Ladies, this one is for you! Today’s episode is FULL of knowledge from one of the most knowledgeable women researching females in sport: Victoria Felkar. During today’s episode, Victoria goes into detail about how each female is different, busting myths about what is “normal” in a menstrual cycle. Taking into account the female competitor, Victoria goes into detail how different each woman can be and why tracking our cycles determines optimal health. Definitely won’t want to miss this one!
Find Victoria Felkar and all her research and articles:
Swis Symposium-
Phat Muscle Supps:
NuEthix Supps:
Advanced Vitality HRT:
Find Victoria at IG: @victoriafelkar
Find John Gorman at IG: @team_gorman
Find Jason Theobald at IG: @scoobyprep1_ifbbpro
Find Kayla Rodahl at IG: @kayla_scoobyprep