
Ep. 12 Ask Us Anything

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald answer questions from the listeners that cover topics such as fat burners and if they work, taking a GDA with a low carb meal, weighing food cooked or raw, rest periods for hypertrophy, cortisol and dieting once it’s under control, Excellence Cartel vs. Elite Physique…

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Ep. 11 Understanding Rapid Scale Fluctuations

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald break down all the reasons the scale can fluctuate up or down, how to know when it’s ok or when to take action, and much much more. Enjoy!

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Ep. 10 Cheat Meals, Refeeds, & High Cal Days

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald go deep into the details on all things related to having a higher calorie day. Topics include cheat meals, refeeds, cheat days, the first refeed study done at USF that John wrote the diets for, natural versus enhanced athletes and the differences in high cals…

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Ep. 9 Improving Insulin Sensitivity

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald do a deep dive on insulin sensitivity and how to improve it. Areas covered include how to test for it, how it impairs dieting and why most coaches dont see what’s going on, obese versus athletes experiencing it, mini cuts, staying leaner in the offseason,…

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Ep. 8 Natural vs. Enhanced preps

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald break down everything you need to know about the differences in a natural vs. enhanced prep. Topics include differences in muscle gain, fat loss, cortisol, prep length, training, recovery, supplementation, and much much more. Enjoy!

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Ep. 7 Nutrient Timing Q&A

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald go over questions as a follow to Ep. 6 Nutrient Timing Pre/Intra/PWO Protocols. Topics discussed include high or low gi carbs when watching insulin sensitivity, preferred pre workout meals for pumps and energy, carbs amounts to drink during training, training late at night or in…

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Ep. 6 Nutrient Timing Pre/Intra/Post workout protocols

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald break down the advantages of proper nutrient timing to take your physique to the next level. Topics covered include how they both started out and experimented, recommended pre workout meals, intra workout carbs and supps, the truth behind post workout whey and glucose/dextrose, and much…

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Ep. 5 Flexible & Clean Eating- An Advanced Approach For Macros & Meal Plans

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald go into extreme detail on what is truly the best approach for nutrition for people trying to maximize their physiques. Topics discussed include how they have used both flexible dieting and strict eating meal plans, counting macros and foods on apps, meal prep vs. hitting…

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Ep. 4 Testosterone Q&A

In this episode John Gorman and IFBB Pro Jason Theobald do a follow up Q and A after a wildly popular Ep. 3 covering optimizing testosterone where listeners sent in a ton of good questions. Lots of topics covered here such as prepping on low test, staying too lean for too long, supplements to raise…

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Ep. 3 Optimizing testosterone levels

In this episode we go into extreme detail on all things that help maximize testosterone levels. Areas discussed include signs and symptoms of low test for natural and enhanced athletes, what causes it, people we see it with the most, getting blood work done and what to look for, how to fix naturally or with…

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