Ep. 98- Vince Pitstick, Behind The Scenes of the Hybrid Health Summit

Show Notes:

Want to know what it takes to put on a large event? 

We were joined by Vince Pitstick of Nutrition Dynamic to chat with us about how his planning process went into place for the Hybrid Health Summit. This event brought together medical professionals, functional coaches, and other businesses to educate and inspire all on the same level. 

Find out what goes into planning an event like this and how Vince and his team are planning to bring a bigger and better event next year!

NEW Real. Raw. Truth. Bikini & Figure Podcast

Phat Muscle Podcast 


Phat Muscle Supps:


NuEthix Supps:


Advanced Vitality HRT:


Metabolic Mentor University: www.metabolicmentor.com 

Nutrition Dynamic: www.nutritiondynamic.com 

Application: www.hybridhealthsummit.net/ 

Email: michaelm@nutritiondynamic.com; hybridhealthinfo@hybridhealthsummit.com 

Find Vince Pitstick on IG: @vince_pitstick 

Find John Gorman at john@team-gorman.net IG: @team_gorman

Find Jason Theobald at jason@scoobyprep.com IG: @scoobyprep1_ifbbpro

Find Kayla Rodahl at kayla@scoobyprep.com IG: @kayla_scoobyhealth