Show Notes:

This week we welcome Jeremy Loenneke, Associate Professor of Exercise Science at the University of Mississippi, to talk about the research he’s done in Blood Flow Restriction Training. We deep dive on how this is helpful in training, what it entails and how to do it safely and correctly to get the most out of the technique! 

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  1. Give quick definition of BFR training.  Do we all currently use it ourselves and with clients?
  2. Origins of BFR training?  What lead you to become passionate about it?
  3. What did the research show?  What has changed over the years?
  4. What is happening in the body when BFR is being used? (cell swelling, etc)
  5. What’s BFR great for?  Safety aspects and concerns?
  6. What are some misconceptions about BFR?
  7. What’s the best way to use it- done all at once for an exercise, take off between exercises, etc etc
  8. If someone is going to implement it into their program now to start, what’s a good way to program it?

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